Morning Momiji is translated from the Malay version novel, Pagi Semerah Daun Momiji (DBP,2013). The story revolves around the end of the Second World War and decades after the war. This novel set in two places, namely Hiroshima city in Japan and Tumpat in Kelantan. The main character in this novel is Midori and his sister, Taiyo who had to survive independently after their parents died during the Hiroshima bombing.
Like thousands of boys his age, Masatoshi is forced to join the military. They are transported to foreign-occupied places. They are ordered to brutalize ang to kill.
Have the atomic bombings of Hiroshima ang Nagasaki accounted as justice sufficiently enough to expunge the sins of Japanese military savagery to cleanse the nation of its war cruelty? As with other innocent youth,has Masatoshi survived the war?
- Brand: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka
- Product Code: 9789834921279
- Availability: In Stock
- Ex Tax: RM35.00